Together we can

Heal the mind, body, and spirit

Achieving Holistic Harmony

Our goal to harmonize mind and body is made possible using a multi-method approach. Through physical and mental exercises, we can increase body awareness so that healthy, aging, and limited bodies begin to move with increased ease.

Introducing Donna Howald’s New Book

Finding Your Perfect Pitch:

How to Ride Life’s Current to Liberate Your Soul

In her memoire written in rhyme, Donna Howald teaches how consciousness is essential to taking back your power and mindfully becoming your own unique being. With “Nine Essentials” you will learn to develop and get into harmony with your physical, mental, and spiritual states. You’ll come to realize how having circumstances is inevitable, but letting them have you is a choice. Learn to let go of what is, to allow what can be. Join Donna on a journey to health, wealth, happiness and wisdom; changing your focus from aging toward sage-ing.

Available Spring 2024


Available Spring 2024 〰️


Treatment looks different for every client. The services listed below are just a starting point of what is possible. Speak with Donna to plan the right course of individualized action for you.

Neuromovement (ABM)

NeuroMovement is movement to change the brain and takes advantage of neuroplasticity. There are two ways it can be experienced; done through guided transformational movement lessons (TML’s) or with a Practitioner performing functional synthesis (FS). The student quietly observes the changes of being subtly moved by the practitioner to have a learning experience.

NeuroMovement can organize the brain to better synchronize with the body and bring about health and vitality. A lesson can bring about strength, mental clarity, decreased pain, reversed aging, and more.

Franklin Method

The Franklin Method combines creative visualization embodied anatomy with physical and mental exercises. Level 1 works with bone rhythms for whole body coordination and imaging the movement of bones.

Its principal goals are to obtain dynamic body alignment to move the body with maximum efficiency. This is achieved through the use of props such as balls, resistance bands and other household objects that help with Imagery.

MELT Method

A self-treatment technique done with the use of props (including balls and soft foam rollers), the MELT Method works on the neurofascial system to increase body awareness, re-hydrate connective tissue, and quiet the nervous system.

An excellent addition to any form of fitness or bodywork, MELT can help alleviate or prevent pain brought on by the stress that active living may cause, allowing your body to get the greatest benefits from your practice or workout.

Life Coaching

Certified by the Life Mastery Institute and Miracle Minded Coaching, Donna can help you design and manifest a life that’s in harmony with your Soul’s purpose. As a coach, she empowers her clients to unlock their true potential, achieve outrageous success, and live a life they LOVE living!

The power of personal coaching lies in ongoing support, detailed action plans, constructive feedback, and high-level perspective. By providing the proper tools and resources, Donna can accelerate your success by helping you realize your dreams and achieve your goals in far less time.


  • Includes 5 private, 1-hours sessions introducing you to an array of movements and principles that may include FS, TML’s or both depending on the needs of the client. By appointment only.

  • Private sessions can be done in one of two ways. Either the client will be guided to move themselves in one hour movement lessons or Donna will provide a Functional Synthesis (FS) lesson where she moves the client’s body in subtle ways to bring change for the client to observe and learn from. This type of session can be up to one full hour. TML’s - guided lessons can be experienced remotely such as on Zoom or other platforms. By appointment only.

  • These 1-hour sessions are designed to be shared between two people. If your partner cancels, you will be responsible for the cost of a full, private session or you may opt to reduce the class time to 30 minutes. By appointment only.

  • Wednesdays: 9:00 a.m.

    Group mat classes are open to all levels and will consist of the most fundamental movements of each of the methods and more. Space is limited, so classes will be first come, first served. It’s always best to call if you’re new or have not attended for a while.

*All private and semi-private sessions have a 24-hour cancellation policy.

Start your journey today.

Connect with Donna to discover what individualized treatment works best for you.

Sue, Client of 15 years

“I admire Donna immensely, not just for her curiosity but because she really delves
into things and the philosophies behind them. She puts JOY in what she does and that is how she passes it along. Her energy is unbounded.”

Nonie L., Client of 10 years

“Donna’s inspirational teachings and classes helped me through two major surgeries. Her classes make it easy to be a senior and enjoy a happy, active life.”